We provide advice and services for every type of institution including Academies, Independent Schools, Trusts and Colleges

BWP are experienced in applications for Condition Improvement Funding (commonly referred to as CIF). This is a Government Scheme for Academies & Sixth Form Colleges  designed to help institutions upgrade and maintain their building fabric, mechanical & electrical systems to ensure they are in good condition to provide students and teaching staff with a suitable and safe working environment.

BWP can assist you through the entire process to ensure your school is best positioned for CIF consideration, which could include:

  • Roof refurbishments/replacements
  • Security & safeguarding
  • Window & curtain wall replacements
  • Extensions to existing accommodation
  • Sport facilities upgrades
  • Gas & electrical safety works and upgrades
  • Heating alterations and upgrades
  • Ventilation/air quality and thermal comfort
  • Fire safety
  • Lift safety

Working with our clients, we have successfully applied for government funding resulting in major renovation projects and improved conditions for school buildings. BWP prepare business cases and project manage the work packages, ensuring that it is compliant with the qualifying criteria.

BWP provide expert advice on matters such as planned expansion projects that may be required to achieve an increase in admissions, address overcrowding or to overcome key suitability issues,  such as shortage of teaching space, science laboratories and sports facilities.

We are well versed in the successful delivery of projects and understand the requirements of working in educational environments.